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Infinity Powdered Diamonds - - - - - |
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Reg. #: PL0139 Gender: Mare Color: Chestnut Roan Marble Overo Pintaloosa (HTZ) Pattern: Marble Overo Pintaloosa Face Markings: Blaze Leg Markings: N/A Phenotype: XY, ee, Rr, OvOv, Mm, QbQb Stable: Charisma Stables |
Sire: CS Gairfean MuirReg. #: NC0122Color: True Blue Roan (HTZ) | Grand Sire: WILDReg. #: N/A | G-Grand Sire: WILD |
G-Grand Dam: WILD | |||
Grand Dam: WILDReg. #: N/A | G-Grand Sire: WILD | ||
G-Grand Dam: WILD | |||
Dam: PiB Jewel of the NileReg. #: PL0077Color: Dunalino Marble Overo Pintaloosa | Grand Sire: WILDReg. #: N/A | G-Grand Sire: WILD | |
G-Grand Dam: WILD | |||
Grand Dam: WILDReg. #: N/A | G-Grand Sire: WILD | ||
G-Grand Dam: WILD | |||
Genotype: XY, ee, bb, gg, ww, aa, cc, chch, dd, zz, dpdp, flfl, bebe, Rr, ff, rbrb, toto, OvOv, sbsb, ss, blbl, lplp, Mm, frfr, sfsf, scsc, slsl, baba, bkbk, fwfw, fgfg, sese, stst, fdfd, fjfj, wmwm, fkfk, pp, pmpm, mumu, qq, qpqp, QbQb, qtqt, qnqn, qcqc, qlql, qmqm, qgqg, qdqd, qoqo, vv, vsvs, vfvf, vpvp, vcvc |